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Celebration Quotes For An Occasion

Celebration Quotes For An Occasion
1. When you cry and weep, when you are miserable, you are alone. When you celebrate, the whole existence participates with you. Only in celebration do we meet the ultimate, the eternal. Only in celebration do we go beyond the circle of birth and death.-Rajneesh


2. Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate.-Amit Ray


3. One thing that I can say is that I think it’s important that there’s some sort of celebration of beautiful women that isn’t just exploitive.-Emily Ratajkowski


4. Celebration happens when the mind unites with the spirit.-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


5. Each something is a celebration of the nothing that supports it.-John Cage


6. Love can make a great celebration out of your life – but only love, not lust, not ego, not possessiveness, not jealousy, not dependence.-Rajneesh


7. Any celebration meal to which guests are invited, be they family or friends, should be an occasion for generous hospitality.-Julian Baggini


8. Celebration comes when the common features of life are redeemed.-Richard J. Foster


9. Celebration is my attitude, unconditional to what life brings.-Rajneesh


10. When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet.-Stanislaw J.Lec


11. Celebration has many different outfits but she always wears the same beautiful dancing shoes.-Mary Anne Radmacher


12. Celebration is a confrontation, giving attention to the transcendent meaning of one’s actions.-Abraham Joshua Heschel


13. The people you save won’t celebrate you. They’ll gather the wood and cheer while you burn.-Julie Berry


14. To live is to be marked. To live is to change, to acquire the words of a story, and that is the only celebration we mortals really know.-Barbara Kingsolver


15. Every choice we make can be a celebration of the world we want.-Frances Moore Lappe


16. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.-Oprah Winfrey


17. Without true celebration discipline is obnoxious.-Adi Da Samraj


18. Perfect is very boring, and if you happen to have a different look, that’s a celebration of human nature, I think. If we were all symmetrical and perfect, life would be very dull.-Natalie Dormer


19. Celebration is the hymn and sacred dance.Jonathan Lockwood Huie


20. Art is a celebration of life, intended by the artist to put the spectator in touch with the divine.-Joseph Plaskett


21. If you can’t celebrate your success, appreciate your failure. Since life is all about celebration and appreciation.-M.F. Moonzajer


22. I prefer just being with people I like. That’s my way of celebrating.-Michael Jackson


23. Every moment of your life is either a test or a celebration.-David Deida


24. Celebrations infuse life with passion and purpose. They summon the human spirit.-Terrence E. Deal


25. Everything in this creation is a sign of celebration.-Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


26. If you want to celebrate a happy occasion, Do it by helping those who are in need.-Mohith Agadi


27. Celebration is an act of impressing sadistic someone residing in you.-Santosh Kalwar


28. I will follow is a celebration of life. Sometimes when you lose something, you understand its value more than when you had it. The same is true for life.-Salli Richardson


29. Today is a day for celebration, no matter what your religion or your culture. Learn to celebrate today: celebrate the fact that you are alive, that you are breathing, that you have friends, family, angels and spirit guides in your life.-Margaret Neylon


30. Start out by celebrating the best in the situation because it allows us to fall in love with it, which connects us to our passion and emancipates the energy.-Dewitt Jones

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