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Inspirational Quotes About College

Inspirational Quotes About College

1. It is virtually impossible to compete in today’s global economy without a college degree. -Bobby Scott

Bobby Scott

2. When we make college more affordable, we make the American dream more achievable. -William J. Clinton


3. A college degree is the key to realizing the American dream, well worth the financial sacrifice because it is supposed to open the door to a world of opportunity. -Dan Rather


4. By making college unaffordable and student loans unbearable, we risk deterring our best and brightest from pursuing higher education and securing a good-paying job. -Mark Pocan


5. College is fun as long as you don’t die. -Tsugumi Ohba

Tsugumi Ohba

6. You didn’t need a college degree to become one of the people who knew what was really going on. If you paid attention, you could pick things up on your own. -Jeannette Walls


7. College is the reward for surviving high school. Most people have great fun stories from college and nightmare stories from high school. -Judd Apatow


8. For college seniors there should be a week of being allowed to cry. Just break down and cry because you are scared and don’t know what’s next. -Bill Cosby


9. I’m going to college. I don’t care if it ruins my career. I’d rather be smart than a movie star. -Natalie Portman


10. College is a refuge from hasty judgment. -Robert Frost

Robert Frost

11. Every year, many, many stupid people graduate from college. And if they can do it, so can you. -John Green


12. No period of my life has been one of such unmixed happiness as the four years which have been spent within college walls. -Horatio Alger


13. I think, especially when you’re in college, each book that you’re reading tends to tell you who you are. -Jeffrey Eugenides


14. I went to college because I didn’t have anywhere else to go and it was a fabulous hang. And while I was there I was exposed to this world that I didn’t know was possible. -Tom Hanks


15. College campuses were once a hotbed of political activity. -Tom Ford

Tom Ford

16. College isn’t the place to go for ideas. -Helen Keller


17. College is the best time of your life. When else are your parents going to spend several thousand dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night? -David Wood


18. If the college you visit has a bookstore filled with t-shirts rather than books, find another college. -R. Albert Mohler Jr.


19. The things taught in schools and colleges are not an education, but the means to an education. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


20. College isn’t the place to go for ideas. -Helen Keller

Helen Keller

21. A college education shows a man how little other people know. -Thomas Chandler Haliburton


22. College is a place to keep warm between high school and an early marriage. -George Gobel


23. College is like a fountain of knowledge – and the students are there to drink -Chuck Palahniuk


24. One of the great mind destroyers of college education is the belief that if it’s very complex, it’s very profound. -Dennis Prager


25. Colleges don’t make fools, they only develop them. -George Lorimer

George Lorimer

26. What school, college, or lecture bring men depends on what men bring to carry it home in. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


27. One of the benefits of a college education is to show the boy its little avail. -Ralph Waldo Emerson


28. Our colleges ought to have lit up in us a lasting relish for he better kind of man, a loss of appetite for mediocrities. -William James


29. Colleges are places where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed. -R.S. Ingersoll


30. The aim of a college education is to teach you to know a good man when you see one. -William James

William James

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