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30 Enjoy Our Gold Quotes Collection By Famous Authors

gold quotes
1. Gold gathers more than a shovel.-Edward Counsel


2. Gold does not rust on the ground, and rocks don’t get soaked in the rain.-Turkish Proverb


3. Pure gold does not rust. Only gold alloys do so. You may have golden dreams. But if you go in the company of toxic people, you become a ‘gold alloy’ and what that means is that you can rust at any time!-Israelmore Ayivor


4. More gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has been taken from the earth.-Napoleon Hill


5. Are you looking for gold, friend? Look around you; anything useful to you is pure gold, pure silver!-Mehmet Murat ildan


6. Gold like the sun, which melts wax, but hardens clay, expands great souls.-Antoine Rivarol


7. Gold opens all locks, no lock will hold against the power of gold.-George Herbert


8. Gold may shine; but it has no true light.-Kristian Goldmund Aumann


9. As every thread of gold is valuable, so is every moment of time.-English Proverb


10. All the gold which is under or upon the earth is not enough to give in exchange for virtue.-Plato


11. Gold is so heavy it settles down upon the lowest souls.-Austin O’Malley


12. If a man has gold, he lives with the terror that someone will take it away from him, so he builds walls around it. Then everyone knows where the gold is, so they come and take it. That’s the way it always goes, brother. Fools and gold, together.-Conn Iggulden


13. Second-hand gold is as good as new.-Ken Alstad


14. Because gold is honest money it is disliked by dishonest men.-Ron Paul


15. A mask of gold hides all deformities.-Thomas Dekker


16. Gold often commends the unworthy.-Edward Counsel


17. Gold authenticity can only be tested under maximum fire. The same holds true with regard to manhood.-Moutasem Algharati


18. The desire for gold is the most universal and deeply rooted commercial instinct of the human race.-Gerald M. Loeb


19. We must learn who is gold, and who is gold plated.-unknown


20. If gold rusts, what then can iron do?-Geoffrey Chaucer


21. There is gold everywhere, most people are not trained to see it.-Robert Kiyosaki


22. Hunger for gold is made greater as more gold is acquired.-Aurelius Clemens Prudentius


23. Gold makes monsters of men.-Erin Bowman


24. Those that go gold into the furnace will come out no worse.-Matthew Henry


25. Gold gives to the ugliest thing a certain charming air, For that without it were else a miserable affair.-Jean Baptiste Moliere


26. No gold glitters like that which is our own.-Eliza Cook


27. Gold is money. Everything else is credit.-J. P. Morgan


28. Gold begets in brethren hate; Gold in families debate; Gold does friendship separate; Gold does civil wars create.-Abraham Cowley


29. Do not hold everything as gold that shines like gold.-Alain de Lille


30. Where gold speaks every tongue is silent.-Proverb

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