A lot of individuals with anxious disorders wake up anxious and filled with fear that they’d like to snuggle to sleep and not get up to face the next day. Don’t get down, because there are many ways to ease anxiety in the morning and get eager to begin the new day.
Tips For Reducing Morning Anxiety
Use these strategies to help you cope with anxiety as you get up and begin your day:
Consider Your Sleep Habits
A good night’s sleep is crucial for your mental and physical well-being. In reality, sleep issues such as trouble falling asleep and/or being asleep can cause a myriad of physical and psychological complaints.1 This includes headaches, fatigue, and concentration, short-term memory issues as well as anxiety, irritability, and stress.
Some Healthy Habits For Sleep You Can Consider Adopting Include:
- Avoid activities that stimulate you between two and three hours prior to your bedtime (for instance, watching television or working on your computer, vigorously exercising or drinking coffee).
- Do something relaxing prior to bed, such as cuddling up with an e-book or giving a hug to your spouse.
- Sleep every night at the exact time each night, and rise at the same hour every day, including weekends.
- Keep your bedroom cool (around 65 degrees F) and keep it dark (invest in shades that darken the room, and curtains).
- Make use of your bed only to sleep and for sex.
- Think about writing down your thoughts or doing a “brain dump” before bed to put all thoughts or worries down on paper to ensure they do not interfere with getting to sleep or sleeping.
Examine Morning Stressors
There are likely to be aspects of your daily routine that trigger anxiety for you, like alarms that knock the body to awaken and causes a surge of adrenaline throughout your body. If that’s the case, you should consider switching your alarm clock to one that awakes you with relaxing music.
It is possible that your a.m. anxiety could be made worse by the long list of things you need to finish. To keep from feeling stressed, make sure you have ample time to get up in your morning (hitting the button to snooze, which can cause disruption to your sleep cycle and your daily schedule, is not recommended) and finish some chores in the evening before (for example packing lunches or packing clothes).
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Do Relaxation Exercises
Beginning your day with a relaxed mindset and focused can help you achieve emotional equilibrium that will carry you through the day. A few strategies to consider include:
- Deep Breathing: Insane breathing can disrupt the body’s natural oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange, triggering the body to stress, leading to panic attacks and anxiety. A proper breathing pattern can keep your blood vessels are properly oxygenated.
- Guided Imagery: By using visualization, you make use of your imagination to imagine yourself in a calm and tranquil surroundings, such as an ocean or in a meadow with flowers.
- Journaling: Journal writing refers to the process of recording your thoughts as well as your feelings and thoughts concerning your daily life experiences. If utilized as a way to cope journaling is useful in allowing you to face the fears you have, reduce your stress levels, and improve your overall health.
- Meditation: Mindfulness meditation is a practice of training that requires you to focus your mind on your experience (like your own feelings thoughts, feelings, and thoughts) in the present.
- Progressive Relaxation Of Muscles: This simple method involves relaxing and tensing every one of your body’s major muscles from your head to your feet.
Think Positively
If you’ve had the experience of dealing with morning anxiety for several years, it’s possible that you’ve created automatic negative thoughts that could fuel your anxiety. The mind gets up without conscious effort from you anxious thoughts dominate which can cause anxiety.
The first step is to identify your thoughts that require changing Then, you can create your own positive statements to counter them. For instance, suppose you wake up, and one of your thoughts is “I feel terrible. How am I going to drive to work today? I’ll never get through the day. What’s wrong with me?”
It is possible to replace doubts with positive ones like: “Yes, I feel anxious this morning, but I have felt this way before and have been able to handle it. If I have trouble with anxiety during the day, I can use relaxation techniques that will calm me down. I’m in control. Anxiety is a normal human emotion, and it’s my cue to relax.”
If you are able to alter your thinking you should consider consulting someone who has been trained to treat anxiety issues with CBT (CBT), it is a kind of psychotherapy that concentrates on connecting thoughts behavior, feelings, and thoughts. If face-to-face therapy isn’t a viable option for you, consider online CBT programs in which a Therapist communicates with clients via either email or phone.
Consider Your Diet
Studies suggest a connection between eating habits and anxiety. Food choices have the potential to cause or reduce anxiety. In 2016, research revealed that those with mental disorders like generalized anxiety disorder are more likely to have poor diets – that is, diets that are deficient in vegetables, fruits, and protein, and high in saturated fats and refined carbs.
Change your eating habits to one that is well-balanced in omega-3 fats (found in fish that are fatty) as well as the fruits and vegetables. Making sure you consume low-glycemic index carbohydrates at every meal will prevent fluctuating glucose levels and dips which can trigger signs of anxiety. While research is not conclusive on this idea but it could be worth giving it a shot.
In addition, when you’re deciding on your diet, you should not forget the significance of caffeine, which is a well-known and well-known cause of anxiety. Even if you don’t think caffeine causes anxiety during the day It’s a potent stimulant that can trigger anxiety in a small percentage of people. Think about removing or the consumption of tea and coffee to see how your symptoms change.
A Word From Motivational Wizard
If your morning anxiety is affecting your day-to-day activities or your the quality of your life, make sure to visit your primary care physician or any mental health professional such as psychiatrists or psychologists. It’s better not to put the burden of worry on your shoulders. A professional who is experienced in treating anxiety disorders assist you to get better and feel well.
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