Thought of the Day

Thought Of The Day: Monday, September 30, 2024

Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear. -Paulo Coelho

In a small town nestled between rolling hills, there lived a wise old man named Santiago. He had spent years traveling the world, gathering wisdom, and understanding the deeper truths of life.

People often came to him seeking advice, eager to hear his thoughts on the challenges they faced.

One afternoon, a young man named Elias approached Santiago with frustration etched across his face. “I’ve tried explaining my side of the story over and over,” Elias began, “but no one seems to understand. They only hear what they want to hear. It’s like they aren’t even listening!”

Santiago, sitting calmly under the shade of a large oak tree, listened intently. He could see that Elias was troubled, and his heart was burdened by the need for others to accept and understand his point of view.

After a moment of silence, Santiago spoke gently, “Elias, let me tell you a story.”

Elias, curious as ever, leaned in to listen.

“Once,” Santiago began, “there was a farmer in a nearby village who had a special field of crops. He spent hours every day explaining to his neighbors how he cultivated his land, the special seeds he used, and the care he put into each plant.

Yet, no matter how many times he explained, some villagers believed he was lucky, while others insisted he had secret help from the gods. Each person heard his words, but they only believed what they wanted to believe.”

Elias frowned. “So what did the farmer do?”

Santiago smiled. “The farmer realized that no matter how carefully he explained his methods, people would only see what their minds were already set on. So, instead of trying to change their beliefs, he focused on tending to his crops, doing what he knew best.

In time, his harvest spoke louder than any explanation could. The villagers saw the results of his work, and though some still clung to their own ideas, the farmer found peace in knowing that his journey was his own.”

Santiago paused, letting the words sink in before adding, “People will always hear what they want to hear, Elias.

You can explain yourself over and over, but if their minds are closed, your words will be like seeds falling on barren soil. Instead of wasting your time convincing them, tend to your own field—focus on your path, your journey. Let your actions, not endless explanations, tell your story.”

Elias sat quietly for a moment, reflecting on Santiago’s words. Slowly, a sense of calm washed over him. He realized that trying to change other people’s minds was like trying to change the direction of the wind—futile and exhausting. But his own path? That was something he could nurture and grow.

With a grateful nod, Elias stood up. “Thank you, Santiago,” he said softly. “I understand now.”

Santiago simply smiled, watching as Elias walked away, lighter and more at peace. The old man knew that Elias had learned an important lesson: sometimes, the most powerful way to be understood is by letting go of the need to explain and focusing on living your truth.

Paulo Coelho’s quote, “Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear,” offers a sharp insight into how people often interpret information.

Essentially, Coelho is saying that people tend to filter what they hear based on their own beliefs, preferences, or biases. No matter how much you explain something, if someone is not open to hearing it, they will only take in the parts that fit with what they already think or want to believe.

Thought Of The Day: Monday, September 30, 2024:
Don’t waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.
— Paulo Coelho


Don’t forget to check out our collection of thoughts of the day with meaning to brighten your day.

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