1. Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh.-Henry David Thoreau
2. No amount of money can bring back those moments you treasure.-Malika E Nura
3. Cherish the beautiful memories for sometimes these are the blessings that you are left with.-Trudy Vesotsky
4. Cherish your tears and their reasons, they will be the light of your smile, your inner peace and reconciliation.-Tariq Ramadan
5. Let us cherish the hope that the day is not far distant when we will be in the midst of this next adventure.-Ernest Lawrence
6. Cherish your human connections your relationships with friends and family.-Barbara Bush
7. Cherish every moment you have with your parents, you never know what’s going to happen.-Anonymous
8. Learning to cherish others is the best solution to our daily problems, and it is the source of all our future happiness and good fortune.-Kelsang Gyatso
9. Cherish those who proven their love. It’s a lot easier for someone to be nice to you on a beautiful day when the sun is shining, but in a heavy storm is where you learn who truly cares.-Ritu Ghatourey
10. Cherish sunsets, wild creatures and wild places. Have a love affair with the wonder and beauty of the earth.-Stewart Udall
11. Cherish your health, family, friends, and vocation for none of these things are permanent.-Joe Sacco
12. Cherish that which is within you, and shut off what which is without; for much knowledge is a curse.-Zhuangzi
13. Cherish the relationships that you have with others. Do this because the relationships that you have with others will be the strongest testament to your life when you are gone.-Anurag Prakash Ray
14. You have to cherish things in a different way when you know the clock is ticking, you are under pressure.-Chadwick Boseman
15. Then cherish pity, lest you drive and angel from your door.-William Blake
16. Cherish the memories, treasure the bonding, give importance to the one who make your life worthwhile; assure each other that you will be there, no matter how far one will go, the tie will be stronger forever.-Chermed
17. Cherish each hour of this day for it can never return.-Og Mandino
18. Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts. For out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment, of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built.-James Allen
19. Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.-Robert Henri
20. And so, with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings.-Buddha
21. People who don’t cherish their elderly have forgotten whence they came and whither they go.-Ramsey Clark
22. Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it.-Voltaire
23. Cherish and take of what you value. Happiness is fragile. Appreciate every moment and do everything you to protect it.-Harlan Coben
24. We have one life and we should cherish it and make it the best we can.-David Morrissey
25. Cherish the others in your life. Cherish your freedom to be yourself.-Jay Woodman
26. Cherish those who you have in your life because you never know when they wont be around anymore.-Anonymous
27. Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.-Carl Sagan
28. Cherish every person and all opportunities. Have no fears, no doubts and no regrets. Focus on what you can give, not on what you can get.-Pooja Ruprell
29. Cherish the moment and the time in which you live.-Fennel Hudson