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30 Quotes About Fondness

30 Quotes About Fondness

1. Fondness is a poor substitute for friendship.-Mary Wollstonecraft


2. No man is much pleased with a companion who does not increase, in some respect, his fondness of himself.-Samuel Johnson


3. The fondness we have for self furnishes another long rank of prejudices.-Isaac Watts


4. The more things for which you develop a fondness the richer the life you live.-Dan Buettner


5. A fondness for power is implanted in most men, and it is natural to abuse it when acquired.-Alexander Hamilton


6. A fondness for reading changes the inevitable dull hours of our life into exquisite hours of delight.-Baron de Montesquieu


7. Showing a greater fondness for their own opinions than for truth, they sought to deny and disprove the new things which, if they had cared to look for themselves, their own senses would have demonstrated to them.-Galileo Galilei


8. Affection, like melancholy, magnifies trifles; but the magnifying of the one is like looking through a telescope at heavenly objects; that of the other, like enlarging monsters with a microscope.-Pope Paul VI


9. When affection only speaks, truth is not always there.-Thomas Middleton


10. Affection cannot be created; it can only be liberated.-Bertrand Russell


11. Affection is an overpowering craving to be compellingly sought.-Robert Frost


12. Most affections are habits or duties we lack the courage to end.-Henri de Montherlant


13. Affection makes your spirit slither out from its concealing spot.-Zora Neale Hurston


14. Love is the affection of a mind that has nothing better to engage it.-Theophrastus


15. Our affections are our life. We live by them; they supply our warmth.-William Ellery Channing


16. It is expressions of affection rather than money and power that attract real friends.-Dalai Lama XIV


17. True happiness must arise from well-regulated affections, and an affection includes a duty.-Mary Wollstonecraft


18. Affection is like the noonday sun; it does not need the presence of another to be manifest.-Isabel Allende


19. We may not return the affection of those who like us, but we always respect their good judgment.-Lillian Gordy Carter


20. A fondness for martyrdom, especially of the verbal variety, is common to the young.-Barbara Mertz


21. One defining symptom of decadence is a fondness for vast and nonsensical extravagance.-Robert Silverberg


22. A fondness for reading, which, properly directed, must be an education in itself.-Jane Austen


23. Only a mother knows a mother’s fondness.-Mary Wortley Montagu


24. Affection reproaches, but does not denounce.-Mason Cooley


25. Affection is the broadest basis of a good life.-George Eliot


26. A girl’s affections should never be won unsought.-Anne Bronte


27. To lead men, you have to lead them with affection.-J. R. D. Tata


28. Set your affection to infinity and your hate to zero!-Mehmet Murat ildan


29. The choicest thing this world has for a man is affection.-Josiah Gilbert Holland


30. Only as we mature does affection begin to depend on achievement.-Alain De Botton


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