Motivational Quotes

Goku Quotes That Allows To See Life From A Fictional Perspective

Goku Quotes

Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series. He is a powerful Saiyan warrior who fights for justice and peace. Goku is also a funny lad who loves to make people laugh. He is always ready to help those in need and is always willing to protect his friends and family. Goku is a true hero who always puts others before himself. Scroll down for best Goku Quotes collection.

Some say that the character Goku was based off Su Wukong from ‘Journey To The West.’ He is first shown in the series as a monkey-tailed boy with superhuman strength who loves practicing martial arts. He meets Bulma, who persuades Goku to go on a quest with her to find the Dragon Balls. After various adventures and encounters, they eventually succeed in their quest and Goku becomes a powerful warrior.

Goku is also known as the “God of the Dragons” because he was the “First Omni-King,” and his most powerful attack is Ultra Instinct transformation. Goku is a deadly opponent for foes such as Vegeta.

Goku’s Ultra Instinct transformation is his strongest form, and it allows him to move and attack at speeds that are impossible for the average fighter to follow. Goku has only been able to maintain this form for a short time in battle, but it is more than enough to take down even the strongest of opponents.

Goku is also known for his incredibly powerful energy blasts, which he can fire with great accuracy and destructive force.

Goku Motivational Quotes

Goku Motivational Quotes

1. What’s ridiculous is the creature that doesn’t believe in respect. There are certain things you don’t do, certain things that are understood. You don’t ever mess with a man’s family.


2. Don’t get ahead of yourself; you haven’t beaten us yet.

3. We’re visitors from Earth. Even though we’re on your ‘Most Wanted list, we’re actually really good people.

4. So, does this mean I have to go back to school now?

5. Look, Cell’s kind of worn out right now. It just wouldn’t be fair if Gohan beats him when he isn’t at his best, you know.

6. It looks like they only want me, and that’s exactly who they’ll get.

7. I don’t understand why you call Saiyans by such mindless names. The only thing it does is reveal your own fear and ignorance. I guess name-calling is your only attack because you’re too weak to challenge me any other way.

8. Show them what a Saiyan is made of!

9. I’m so hungry, I can’t even move.

10. Vegeta: This doesn’t concern you! This is between me and your circus clown of a father!

Goku Funny Quotes

Goku Funny Quotes

11. Why’d I have to get this guy? Sure he’s big, but he kinda looks dumb to me.


12. I may be giving up, but that doesn’t mean the tournament’s over. There’s still one more person for you to fight.

13. Buu, I’m a man of courtesy, as well as strength, and I have to say, I’ve battled beings from beyond nameless galaxies, and you by far are the best.

14. Nappa: I’m the second strongest Saiyan from the Planet Vegeta!

15. Me personally, I like to work and train.

16. I have a family of my own I need to tend to. Two boys and a wife. An extremely angry wife who probably wants to kill me right now.

17. I guess it’s called the world’s toughest metal for a reason…

18. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am the truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you.

19. I could go one step farther If I wanted to.

20. Sorry, I saw an opening that just screamed ‘attack!’ so I did, ha!

Goku Quotes About Success

Goku Quotes About Success

21. Low-ranker, elite, whatever. You can beat anyone; it’s called hard work!


22. You see, when you take life, you live deep in fear that your life will be taken away as well. When you harm others, you’re only just harming yourself.

23. The ocean is so salty because everyone pees in it.

24. With my new found power, I can beat anyone!

25. That’s what you think, Captain Cocky!

26. Power comes in response to a need, not a desire.

27. An angel? So What is an angel? But he’s got no wings, and his butt’s not hanging out.

28. Vegeta knows it too. Through my dreams, I could hear him speaking what I had also felt. That there is a level beyond that of a Super Saiyan. And I will rise to claim it.

29. Show me what you can do.

30. Welcome back, Vegeta. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t bury you that deep after all.

Goku Inspirational Quotes

Goku Inspirational Quotes

31. Kaio-ken holds no limits to the amount of power that can be stored.


32. You talk tough, but you’re nothing but a pushover.

33. I am the hope of the universe… I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace… I am the protector of the innocent… I am the light in the darkness… I am truth. Ally to good… Nightmare to you!!!

34. Keep training and get stronger. I’ll always be one step ahead of you, though!

35. Hey, don’t get ahead of yourself. You haven’t beaten us yet.

36. Even a low-class warrior can surpass an elite. With enough hard work.

37. Maybe you’ll come back someday as…as a better person, I hope. I’d like that. Perhaps we’ll have a little one on one.

38. This guy’s a cut above the rest. He’s not gonna go down easy.

39. Sometimes life is too uncertain to have regrets.

40. Show me what a Saiyan’s made of.

Goku Never Give Up Quotes

Goku Never Give Up Quotes

41. It’s not over when you lose It’s over when you quit.

42. Your new form is burning through more power than your body can supply. You should have waited until you were used to this form and knew how to regulate it before you started picking fights.

43. Besides my grandpa, you’re the only human being I’ve ever seen.

44. With my newfound power, I can beat anyone!

45. What’s ridiculous is the creature that doesn’t believe in respect. There are certain things you don’t do, certain things that are understood. You don’t ever mess with a man’s family.

46. I don’t understand why you call Saiyans by such mindless names. The only thing it does is reveal your own fear and ignorance. I guess name calling is your only attack, because you’re too weak to challenge me any other way.

47. Let’s give it everything we’ve got!

48. I am going to be a lot stronger than I ever was!

49. Well, if your friend is stronger than you, I guess you’re the third strongest Saiyan now.

50. If I win, promise you won’t destroy the earth.

51. Pan, you little rascal! What a great performance, wow!

52. You seem to delight in seeing other people suffer. And you treat life like a disposable commodity. You destroy homes. You take the lives of innocent, peace-loving people. You even take the lives of children. And all of this, for your own amusement or personal gain. Well, now it’s your turn.

53. I’ve spent months preparing for the day I’d face you in your final form. I’ve come a long way, Cell.

54. It would be meaningless to fight with you now. You’re too scared and ashamed. Live with the shock. Keep it bottled up inside you. Silently.

55. Release it, Gohan! Release everything! Remember all the pain he has caused… the people he has hurt… Now make that your power!!!

56. Don’t let bad people boss you around, Broly. You and I are both Saiyans, so we should stick together!

57. I must overcome everyone that comes in my way!

58. I would rather be a brainless monkey than a heartless monster.

59. You must be Frieza, the one responsible for the horrible chain of events that have taken place on this planet. Whatever problems you have with Vegeta, you can take them up with me now.

60. I think I know how to get that smirk off your ugly mug. I’m going to renovate your face.

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