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Inspiring Crowd Quotes

Inspiring Crowd Quotes
1. The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd.-Albert Einstein


2. Walking into the crowd was like sinking into a stew – you became an ingredient, you took on a certain flavour.-Margaret Atwood


3. The mob is the mother of tyrants.-Laertius Diogenes


4. The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.-Terry Pratchett


5. A crowd has the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.-Thomas Carlyle


6. Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it.-Anonymous


7. Following the crowd is cool if you want to go where the crowd is going. Never fear being the odd one out in order to achieve your own goals.-Rolsey


8. Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.-Margaret Thatcher


9. Whenever you enter the crowds, keep your own personality, keep your own behaviour, keep your own mind; stay as yourself!-Mehmet Murat ildan


10. The crowd, in fact, is composed of individuals; it must therefore be in every man’s power to become what he is, an individual. From becoming an individual no one, no one at all, is excluded, except he who excludes himself by becoming a crowd.-Soren Kierkegaard


11. The mob rushes in where individuals fear to tread.-B.F Skinner


12. The crowd has a way of being right.-Louis Auchincloss


13. There is never a crowd on the leading edge.-Esther Hicks


14. Inside a crowd, you have no right to complain about the crowdedness, because you are already a part of it!-Mehmet Murat ildan


15. A crowd exists so long as it has an unattained goal.-Elias Canetti


16. The crowd is the same everywhere, in all periods and cultures; it remains essentially the same among men of the most diverse origin, education and language.-Elias Canetti


17. A crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures.-Francis Bacon


18. When you stand in the crowd you stand like the cloud baseless. But when you stand out of the crowd you’re outstanding like the proud limitless. Stand out to be outstanding.-Emmanuel Aghado


19. The man who follows a crowd will never be followed by a crowd.-R.S Donnell


20. To rise above the crowd, you must discipline yourself unceasingly to the strict demand and realities of your ambition.-Arturo Sandoval


21. The only certain about following the crowd is that you will all get there together.-Mychal Wynn


22. Society! It’s a crowd thing!-Anthony T. Hincks


23. Crowds speak in heroes.-Gerald Stanley Lee


24. Every crowd has a silver lining.-P. T. Barnum

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