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30 Amazing Kingdom Quotes

30 Amazing Kingdom Quotes
1. In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.-Desiderius Erasmus


2. There can be no Kingdom of God in the world without the Kingdom of God in our hearts.-Albert Schweitzer


3. The outer kingdom is not our real home. The inner kingdom is our everything.-Marianne Williamson


4. A divided kingdom cannot defend itself from its adversaries. A divided person cannot face life in a dignified way.-Paulo Coelho


5. To pass through the door that leads to God’s kingdom, we must go down on our knees.-Catherine Doherty


6. The plant kingdom covers the entire earth, offering our senses great pleasure and the delights of summer.-Carl Linnaeus


7. The kingdom of heaven was never intended to indulge the ease of triflers, but to the rest of them that labor.-Matthew Henry


8. The frontiers of the kingdom of God were never advanced by men and women of caution.-John Oswald Sanders


9. A kingdom man understands that God never said a godly life would be easy; He just said it would be worth it.-Tony Evans


10. If the Kingdom of God is in you, you should leave a little bit of heaven wherever you go.-Cornel West


11. No one can ever enter the celestial kingdom unless he is strictly honest.-Joseph Smith, Jr.


12. When we pursue kingdom principles above His presence, we are looking for the kingdom without a king.-Bill Johnson


13. Outside the kingdom of the Lord there is no nation which is greater than any other. God and history will remember your judgment.-Haile Selassie


14. The Kingdom of Heaven is not for the well-meaning: it is for the desperate.-James Denney


15. An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects.-Martin Luther


16. If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead.-William Law


17. A kingdom is not lost by a single defeat.-Robert E. Howard


18. Other kingdoms are still present on earth along with the kingdom of the heavens. That is the human condition.-Dallas Willard


19. The kingdom of music is not the kingdom of this world.-E. M. Forster


20. No Kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave.-James Burgh


21. A kingdom founded on injustice never lasts.-Lucius Annaeus Seneca


22. The Kingdom of God is not a matter of getting individuals to heaven, but of transforming the life on earth into the harmony of heaven.-Walter Rauschenbusch


23. The kingdom of God is just behind the darkness of closed eyes, and the first gate that opens to it is your peace.-Paramahansa Yogananda


24. The kingdom that Jesus preached and lived was all about a glorious, uproarious, absurd generosity.-N. T. Wright


25. In the animal kingdom, the rule is, eat or be eaten; in the human kingdom, define or be defined.-Thomas Szasz


26. The kingdom of God is the true ecology of the human soul.-Dallas Willard


27. In the kingdom of heaven it is His work that will be crowned, not yours. Anything in you that He has not wrought Himself will count for nothing.-Johannes Tauler


28. The ‘kingdom of Heaven’ is a condition of the heart – not something that comes ‘upon the earth’ or ‘after death.’-Friedrich Nietzsche


29. No kingdom has shed more blood than the kingdom of Christ.-Charles de Montesquieu


30. The kingdom of God is an order of government established by divine authority. It is the only legal government that can exist in any part of the universe.-Orson Pratt

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