
8 Signs When You Love A Man With Low Self-Esteem & Why You Need To Move On

men with low self esteem

Are you a man who is a drama queen and has an on-and-off relationship with a guy? Perhaps you feel stuck in such a situation right now.

Insecurity and low self esteem can lead to toxic relationships that are full of insecurity and insecure. These relationships often result in constant fighting, drama and long periods of silence. In the hope of making it work, you break up again and get back together every time.

You might lose faith in your partner or be exhausted by all the drama.

Although you know that the situation is not healthy, you still love him.

You can avoid toxic, drama-filled relationships with insecure men by learning to recognize signs of low self-esteem.

It is essential to find someone emotionally healthy when searching for a partner in life.

In toxic, abusive relationships, at least one partner is involved who has low self-esteem.

It’s crucial to be aware of what to avoid when you are looking for love.

Also Read | Quick And Simple Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem

Here Are Eight Signs That Your Man Is Exhibiting Toxically Low Self-esteem. It’s Time To Move On.

1. On A Regular Basis, He Makes Self-deprecating And Outrageous Statements

Being humble is one thing but constantly putting yourself down is another .
He says repeatedly, “It’s unbelievable that you would date someone like me”, or “You’re not in my league.”

2. He Is Hypercritical Of Your Actions

A healthy man dates women he genuinely likes. He’ll move on if you aren’t what he wants.
It’s very bad to be criticized by your boyfriend, from your appearance to your personality.

3. He Is Just A Bit Too Perfect

Is he blessed with the perfect house, car, clothes, job and friends?
People who are driven to be perfect often try to convince others and themselves that they are valuable.

4. He Is Always Negative

People who are happy try to see the best in others, and find the positive in every situation.
Pay attention if he is constantly pointing out the wrong things instead of what’s good.

5. He’s Jealous

Are you constantly jealous of your male friends or do you feel uncomfortable around them?
A healthy, confident man believes in you and your partner.

6. He Wants All Of You To Him

Friends are important to you, and you will be happy if you spend time with them.
It’s a problem if he doesn’t want you spending time with them or wants to get to know them.

Also Read | Warning Signs That Are Indicative Of Low Self-esteem

7. He Won’t Admit That He Is Wrong

Being vulnerable in a relationship is an important part.
It’s a red flag if he blames everyone and doesn’t admit when he made a mistake.

8. He Doesn’t Listen To You

People often believe what they see, rather than what you actually say.

Is he prone to taking things in the wrong direction? Does he often get hurt? Are his emotions easily hurt? Your partner may have low self-esteem if you have to practice before you speak to him.

Also Read | The 6 Pillars Of Self-Esteem By Dr Nathaniel Branden

Communication Shouldn’t Be So Difficult

If he isn’t self-confident, I don’t think you should abandon him. All of us have insecurity. If his low self-esteem is affecting you on a daily basis, it’s time for you to get on with your life.

For a healthy, happy relationship, choose a man with self-esteem. Avoid insecure men in the future. A relationship with a man who is self-confident and trustworthy will be so rewarding.

It is too late to live a life of drama.

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