
Warning Signs That Are Indicative Of Low Self-esteem

low self esteem

Self-esteem is a person’s overall self-esteem. It’s basically your perception about your self-worth. It could encompass a variety of things like your identity, confidence in yourself as well as feelings of competence and the feeling of belonging.

It plays a significant role in a myriad of ways in your life and is the reason why low self-esteem may be a significant issue.

Self-esteem goes beyond simply liking yourself. It also implies believing that you deserve the best and respecting your own thoughts, emotions, feelings, opinions as well as your interests and aspirations.

Self-esteem does not only affect how you feel about yourself and take care of yourself but also plays an impact on how others treat you. It could affect how you feel about yourself, your drive to pursue your goals in your life and your ability to build healthy, supportive relationships.

Signs Of Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem may affect an individual’s feelings, thoughts and patterns of behavior. Sometime, these indicators are obvious, however in certain instances, they may be less obvious.

A few people who lack self-esteem speak negatively about themselves while others are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that people are satisfied with their appearance. In any case, the lack of confidence in one’s self and their worth can have a negative effect on someone’s well being and life.

A few common indicators of low self-esteem can be seen below.

Poor Confidence

People who have poor self-confidence are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem , and vice versa. Believing in your capabilities and self-confidence will allow you to feel confident that you can trust yourself to deal with any situation.

Self-confidence means you are confident and at ease dealing with the many challenges that you will encounter and can be a major factor in overall wellbeing.

Self-esteem issues can be a factor in the lack of confidence however, poor self-esteem can be a factor in or worsening low self-esteem.

Finding ways to increase confidence in your capabilities and self-confidence could be beneficial. Learning and practicing new skills is one method that you could try to boost confidence and self-esteem.

Also Read | Quick And Simple Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem

Lack Of Control

People with low self-esteem generally feel like they are in control of their lives, or the things that happen to them. This could be because they believe they’re not able to effect change either within themselves or around the world. Because they do not have an external location of control it is possible that they feel that they cannot take action to solve their issues.

Studies have shown that in circumstances where individuals have no control over their actions, confidence in themselves helps alleviate certain negative side effects of this lack of control. This ultimately helps improve mental well-being.

If you’re having trouble believing that you are in control of your life or circumstances Finding ways to boost confidence in yourself can be beneficial for your health and well-being.

Negative Social Comparison

Comparisons between people can be beneficial and improve a person’s self-esteem of self-worth. But, comparing yourself with other people can cause damage to self-esteem. Self-esteem sufferers are more likely to engage in what’s referred to as upward social competition, or comparing themselves to others who they believe are more successful than them.

Also Read | 250+ Positive Quotes To Boost Your Confidence And Self-Esteem

Positive social comparisons aren’t always negative. Sometimes, these interactions are a source of insight and motivation to improve. When people feel feelings of inadequateness or despair However, it can affect self-esteem.

Social media can be a factor in these comparisons. If you are prone to comparing yourself in a negative way to others who use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram and your self-esteem could be impacted.

Also Read | The 6 Pillars Of Self-Esteem By Dr Nathaniel Branden

Problems Asking For What You Need

If someone has low self-esteem, they might struggle to seek out the help they need. Because of their low self-esteem it is possible that they feel they aren’t worthy of assistance. They may also feel ashamed or unqualified due to their need for assistance and help. Because they do not prioritize their own needs They struggle with their self-confidence when in need.

Worry And Self-Doubt

After making a choice those who feel low self-esteem often feel that they’ve made a wrong decision. They are unsure of their own opinion and often rely on the opinions of others instead of making a decision based on their own.

This often leads to lots of self-doubt and doubt that make it difficult for people who have poor self-confidence to make the right decisions about their lives.

Trouble Accepting Positive Feedback

A 2017 study released within The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology discovered that self-esteem issues are directly related to not being capable of recognizing or capitalizing on compliments received from other people.

As they don’t hold an optimistic view of themselves, those with low self-esteem may find it difficult to accept praises from people around them.

The positive feedback received is usually followed by suspicion and suspicion. The positive words don’t reflect their values about themselves, and people with low self-esteem might think that the person is being snarky or cruel.

Also Read | 8 Signs When You Love A Man With Low Self-Esteem & Why You Need To Move On

Negative Self-Talk

Self-esteem issues cause people to dwell on their shortcomings rather than their strengths. Instead of building themselves up by focusing on positive self-talk, they are always able to find some negative things to be saying regarding themselves. They blame themselves whenever problems occur and look for fault in some aspect of them, whether it’s how they look, personalities or their capabilities.

Fear Of Failure

Since they aren’t confident in their capabilities, people who are self-conscious doubt their abilities to succeed. Although they may be scared of failing but they usually either avoid challenging situations or give up fast without even taking the time to try.

The fear of failure could be observed in actions like expressing anger whenever things don’t go as planned, or trying to cover up feelings of being inadequate. Some people will use excuses and blame external forces or try to downplay the importance of their job.

Poor Outlook

A lack of self-worth can cause people to believe there’s no chance that the future is going to be much better. This feeling of despair can cause people who are self-defeating to take on actions that lead to positive changes to their lives.

self-doubt may also become a typical method of dealing with these emotions. When you identify obstacles that hinder your achievement of their goals, those with low self-esteem may discover a cause for what they perceive to be the fault of themselves.

Lack Of Boundaries

The capacity to establish boundaries is usually set early in the course of. Children who have parents who demonstrate that they are appreciated and respected are more likely to set boundaries that are acceptable when it comes to adult friendships. They also are more likely to have an optimistic view of themselves and others.

Individuals who don’t feel valued may have difficulty setting boundaries with others. They may be feeling guilty or fear that others might cease to like their appearance if they attempt to create or maintain boundaries.

This could cause issues when people do not respect the space of another person and their time. This disrespect doesn’t just add anxiety, but can also cause a person to feel less appreciated.

Trying To Please Others

People-pleasing is a typical sign of depressed self-esteem. To gain external validation, those who aren’t happy with themselves can go to great lengths to ensure that others are happy and content. This usually means ignoring their own needs, giving in to activities they don’t like to do, and being embarrassed about not doing something.

Impact Of Low Self-Esteem

Research indicates that low self-esteem can be associated with a variety of mental health issues, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Eating disorders
  • Emotional distress
  • Disorder of panic
  • Risky behaviors6
  • Disorder of social anxiety 7.
  • Substance use
  • Stress

A low self-esteem level makes it harder to meet your goals and develop healthy, positive relationships. It may also play an important role with the development of some mental health conditions and problems such as anxiousness and depression.

Studies have also revealed that those who suffer from low self-esteem are higher risk of suicidal thought.
Self-esteem issues can cause people to be more sensitive to rejection or criticism. While people who has an excellent self-esteem is more likely to bounce off negative criticism, those with low self-esteem might take it more seriously. This could make those who have issues with their self-esteem more inclined to quit when confronted by obstacles or challenges.

Studies have found that those who have low self-esteem tend to perform behaviors intended to protect their confidence in themselves. 10 Actions like being sad or being apathetic are intended gain support from other people.

Unfortunately, these habits are more likely to go wrong. Instead of receiving the help and encouragement they require to increase confidence in themselves, they end creating negative reactions from people around them.


A low self-esteem can affect your mental health, so it is crucial to make a plan to improve your self-esteem and receive the help you require. It takes time to build self-esteem however, there are some steps which you could do in order to ensure your mental health while you work to increase your self-esteem. The things you can try to help are:

Focus On Hopeful Thoughts

Spend a few minutes every day thinking positive, optimistic thoughts. Look at the little things you excel in and let yourself be satisfied with these. Consider instances in the past where you’ve gotten through something difficult, remembering that, even when you don’t feel at you’re at your best you’ve got the capacity and determination to overcome the challenge.

Care For Yourself

Self-esteem issues can make you feel like you aren’t worthy of love and attention. Make a point of reminding yourself that you deserve to be treated with respect and find things could be done to demonstrate self-love regardless of how small they are. Take time to do things you enjoy. Take a moment to rest and rest.
Spending money on your own health and comfort isn’t a luxury or reward you must get. It’s essential to your mental and physical well-being.

Get Some Outside Support

Discuss your issues with someone who will offer unwavering help. It could be a family member or friend or it could be someone like a therapist, doctor or teacher or even a clergyman.

Being surrounded by caring people who appreciate your worth and encourage you to consider yourself a valuable person can be beneficial when you are working to increase your self-esteem.

How To Build Self-Esteem

If you’re having a difficult time overcoming your self-esteem issues There are things you can try to boost your confidence in yourself. These strategies include:

Notice Your Thoughts

Begin to pay attention to your thoughts that you automatically think negatively about that you are prone to having every day. When negative thoughts start to take over, it’s vital to identify the cognitive errors and replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts..

Forgive Yourself

If you find yourself ruminating about your failures or mistakes it is crucial to understand how to let go of the past and get over it. This will help keep you focussed on what you can improve in the future , and not focus on the bad things that happened in the past.

Practice Self-Acceptance

It is crucial to get rid of the notion that you have to be perfect to be considered valuable. Be open to accepting the person you are today. It doesn’t mean you do not have goals or issues that you’d like to alter however, it’s crucial to realize that you’re worthy of respect and affection from you and others exactly just as you are.

Value Yourself

Think about the accomplishments you’ve accomplished and what you’re proud of. Take time to be aware of your value and talents without comparing yourself or dwelling on what you’d wish to improve.

There is no need to be better to be able to appreciate yourself, but learning to appreciate yourself will assist you in achieving your objectives.

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