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30 Amazing Quotes About Entertainment

30 Empowering Quotes To Inspire You

It’s what can make you feel happy and at ease. It’s your way to escape from daily life. It can refer to anything that brings you satisfaction, pleasure, and satisfaction. While for some people, entertainment is watching movies or enjoying music for certain people, writing or reading an ebook could be the purest kind of enjoyment. Whatever you do to have fun your primary goal is to enjoy yourself and let go of tension. Take a look at these fun and fun quotes to have fun.

1. And entertainment has nothing to do with reality. Entertainment is antithetical to reality.-Michael Crichton


2. Entertainment alleviates the fear of life, but art vanquishes the fear of death.-Dean Cavanagh


3. Entertainment and art are not isolated.-Martin Kippenberger


4. Entertainment and art have power. Our culture is molded more so by entertainment than any other influence.-Michael Landon, Jr.


5. Entertainment for entertainment’s sake is the most expensive form of death.-Pearl Mary Teresa Craigie


6. Entertainment is a sacred pursuit when done well. When done well, it raises the quality of human life.-Michael Chabon


7. Entertainment is all right, but entertainment with an idea behind it is much more important.-Gregory Peck


8. Entertainment is in art like color in pictures.-Martin Kippenberger


9. Entertainment is temporary happiness, but the real happiness is permanent entertainment. -Amit Kalantri


10. Entertainment is the devil’s substitute for joy.-Leonard Ravenhill


11. Entertainment provides relief. Art provokes engagement.-David Foster Wallace


12. Entertainment, in the end, is a food industry for feeling.-Jenova Chen


13. ENTERTAINMENT, n. Any kind of amusement whose inroads stop short of death by injection.-Ambrose Bierce


14. Entertainment’s definition has been reduced to making people happy.-Anurag Kashyap


15. If entertainment ran grocery stores, we’d NEVER get oil cured olives or blue cheese, it would be JUST Coke.-Penn Jillette


16. It seems that entertainment is what most excites us and what we value above everything else.-Carroll O’Connor


17. Light entertainment means it mustn’t teach you anything.-Keith Johnstone


18. Most entertainment is trying to get you. It’s tested, like toothpaste.-Albert Brooks


19. My rejection of the idea of entertainment in its current form is based on the audience that comes with it.-David Antin


20. No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.-Mary Worley Montagu


21. Play is the production of fun; entertainment is the consumption of fun.-Charles Eisenstein


22. That’s how it always is in the entertainment industry, your feet are always treading Jello.-Hedy Lamarr


23. The best entertainment speaks to the human condition in an honest way.-Gregory Hines


24. The entertainment business is to business what plastic flowers are to flowers.-Dov Davidoff


25. Where other powers of entertainment are wanting, the true philosopher will derive benefit from such as are given.-Jane Austen


26. Entertainment and learning are not opposites; entertainment may be the most effective mode of learning.-Herbert Marcuse


27. Entertainment can be a more powerful driver than poverty.-Sugata Mitra


28. Entertainment has this way of resetting itself.-Zachary Levi


29. Entertainment has to come hand in hand with a little bit of medicine.-David Fincher


30. Entertainment is not politically neutral.-John Lahr

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